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Russian statistics show increase in marriages with foreigners

2018-03-12  Russian statistics show increase in marriages with foreigners
Over the past decade, the number of marriages with foreigners has increased several times in Moscow and in the suburbs. If in the mid-2000s, about 6% of the marriages were international, now this figure is twice as large. Here is the statistics: the year 2005 – 1407 marriages, the year 2017 - 13 685 marriages.
According to the statistics provided by the Moscow registry offices, the largest increase occurred in the mid-2000s. "One of the most important growth factors was online dating," said Tatyana Gurko, Chief researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, "It can be also considered as one of the consequences of globalization." Ethnicity and religion do not make the problem to get married anymore".
“Since 1990s the Russian girls have started to get married to foreigners more often. At first they preferred to choose partners from the West: about 12% of the men were from Europe” said Gurko. The most popular countries were the United States, Israel, Canada, Germany and Yugoslavia. However, in recent years, the sociologists of the Russian Academy of Sciences have noted that Slavic girls also choose men from the East: China, Japan, and Australia. Last year, there were many Turkish and Greek citizens. The male population of South America is also found in statistics, as reported by the official government portal.
It gets easier to apply to the registry office
To arrange one date with a girl costs around $100. However, it is not guaranteed that it will be successful. Sometimes wealthy people from abroad are ready to pay up to $500 to meet with 5-6 girls to make the final choice.
Such marriage at the first sight might seem quite mercenary, but the matchmaking statistics shows that every second or third marriage with Russian men ends with divorce, whereas the probability of a divorce with a foreign husband is only 3 percent.
In the past years, the Russian girls became more exacting. That is why it is easier for a European man to find a wife, in comparison to Asian men. People from the East usually get married at a later age, as they find their feet first.
By the way, in 2017, marriages with foreigners made up 15 percent of the total number registered in Moscow. Most often, the spouses came from the United States, Canada, Israel, Germany and France, Australia - said the official government portal. Most of the newlyweds made the decision to create a family at the age of 25-34. In this age group, there were 32% of men and 57% of women.

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